BNRF Community Newsletter Submission

We would love to share your photos and articles to the community newsletter. You must be an active BNRF National Member or Partner for your submission to be approved. Please follow the instructions below to make sure your submission will be accepted:

  1. Please upload a formatted word document 300 words or less.
  2. Add a link to 1 video or upload to 1-3 images that enhance your submission.
  3. For all included photos, please write the names of all individuals in the word document featured left to right.
  4. If your submission is to highlight the achievement of a member, please submit a professional headshot if possible.
  5. Please feel free to add a link to your chapter website or social media channel to enhance your submission.
  6. BNRF National Office will receive a notification each time you upload.

Please keep the article to 300 words or less, and add names of any individuals that appear in your attached photos.
Please add 1-3 photos that enhance your submission. Please ensure the names of all individuals within the photo are listed in your submission document.